First Educate Yourself



Becoming a change-maker of the future doesn’t happen overnight, and in many cases can seem overwhelming, especially for youth who don’t come equipped with deep pockets.

In most cases youth don’t even know where to begin. If you do…first comes the idea, it can prove to be a great one in theory, but putting that idea into action can become quite a beast. Baby steps are important, and education, research, and experience can be the first of many to help set you on your path of social change. has just this premise that I’m talking about. They understand that to become a change-maker of the future you must first educate yourself on the issues affecting the world today, and decide which route you want to take to provide impact for those issues.

One Dreem is about education. By giving young people the resources to take action, they can become the leaders of tomorrow and take on the issues that matter most. The more you know, the more you can take on!

One Dreem is about empowerment. Youth have the desire, determination, and energy to change the world around them. Events, conferences, and workshops are great starting points to provide youth with opportunities to really make a difference.

One Dreem is about the experience. Our charitable events and fundraising activities encourage youth to jump in and get involved to help solve issues around them – both on a local and global scale.

Our mandate is to educate youth to become socially active citizens by providing leadership training programs and workshops.

Through education, empowerment, and experience, Onedreem offers up all the information you need to get started.  Check them out at for more information.

Spark Conversation

For the most part, organizations have relied on the belief that dramatic call-to-action through donation and sponsorships is the most effective way to get support and followers. However, social media  for social change is not just about the next big venture or dollar amount, sometimes simply creating an idea or dialogue can mean just as much to a community in need as the community sponsorships.

And by community, I don’t just mean our neighbor next door, I mean our social networking community. Jamie Henn, communications director for the environmental activist group, in Oakland, Calif. says: “Social media provides a place where people can share the work they are doing in the real world and gain a sense of momentum and community by seeing similar stories from around the planet.”

Below I’ve summarized some useful ways The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported on how to spark conversation:

Don’t broadcast. Too many traditional organizations blast their message or demands for action rather than building conversations first

I mean, you wouldn’t go on a first date and demand information regarding income without first building a comfortable foundation on which to ask such questions.

Think visually. Most nonprofits still send out e-mail blasts or reports that are mostly text, says Mr. Henn. “By using images and video, we have been able to convey stories with emotional impact in a very different way,” he says.

The stories that video & pictures can create, without saying anything, has long been known. Seeing is believing.

Be selective. Don’t bombard supporters with posts (once daily is probably sufficient, say experts). Get help providing content: from dialogue you create with followers

More importantly… stick to your demographic/audience. People are looking to you for a specific source of information on your charities topic, not which restaurant your eating at or you checked in for lunch!.

Measure everything, but have a goal from the start. Many nonprofit organizations need to get better at measuring effectiveness. Many charities have rushed into social media without having a strategy, but they need one, she says: “The weaknesses are at the beginning and the end.”